Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bad getting Worse

Today was ok for a while, but over the past few hours my mood has plummeted. It happens for stupid reasons. I wanted to paint the bathroom a certain way. My husband spent all day ignoring me painting the bathroom and it looks so bad. I shouldn't get upset about stupid stuff like that, but I do. Maybe it's not listening? It originates from the fact that he moved me to a small town about 1hr from where we used to live, where we both grew up, and I hate it so much. Maybe I feel like for my sacrifice things need to be perfect or go my way. Why did I move here if things are going to be worse, than it was all for nothing. I have been so sad since we moved here, about two months. My life dosen't matter, there's no work, there's nothing for me. I feel like I have no reason to exist. I know there should be a different way of looking at things, I really don't need to work. By not needing to though I feel like my purpose has been taken from me. Why do anything? What's the point? How do I feel better?

Hope the next post is happier.

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